Page 4 - Medina County Convention & Visitors Bureau - Meeting Planner
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Explore the Possibilities … in Medina County

        Medina County is located between the “big cities”
        and the scenic farmland of central Ohio. Diverse in
        our small town rural atmosphere, yet close to
        Cleveland and Akron, why not consider bringing
        your small meeting or conference to Medina

        This booklet is designed to introduce you to our
        first-class meeting facilities and accommodations,
        exciting attractions, and fine cuisine.

        We can assist with bid requests, sight inspections,
        welcomes, possible suggested off-site locations,
        brochures, suggested itineraries for spousal tours,
        and packets.

               Remember . . .

                You have friends in Medina County who will always return your

               call. It is our pleasure to showcase Medina County and make your
               event a success!

                  32 Public Square, Medina, OH 44256      800-860-2943
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